Code & Binary Verify
To enhance the security and integrity of software distribution, it’s crucial for developers and users alike to employ methods for verifying the authenticity and integrity of code and executable files. The process outlined below aims to fortify trust in software distribution by leveraging digital signatures and secure, automated build processes.
Automated Build Process
Our software leverages GitHub Actions for automated compilations, ensuring
that every binary file version released is directly compiled from the source
code stored in the GitHub repository’s main branch. This approach guarantees
that the compilation process is transparent, replicable, and free from manual
interference. The exact commands and environment configurations used during the
compilation are documented within the project’s .github/workflow/release.yml
file, allowing for full accountability and reproducibility.
Third-Party Library Assurance
To uphold our commitment to security, we do not include GnuPG in our major releases and strictly avoid insecure or proprietary third-party libraries. Instead, we only utilize third-party libraries that are open-source and have been compiled from publicly accessible code repositories. This practice ensures that our software remains secure and trustworthy.
Code Verification
We encourage users to review our code to ensure its integrity and security. The
code for all releases is available on our GitHub repository. For any inquiries
or concerns, please feel free to contact us directly. Most new git commits are
signed with a designated key, which is also used for Git operations: Saturneric <>
. This commitment to transparency allows users to verify the
authenticity of our code easily.
Key Fingerprint
Binary File Verification
From version 1.0.5 onwards, we sign our packages containing the binary
executable files with a GPG key to further ensure security. Each package is
accompanied by a signature file in the release section (with a .sig
allowing users to verify the package before use using standard GPG tools.
About Interface Verification
Our software includes an “About” interface accessible from the help menu, providing users with information about the software version, platform, and the specific GitHub repository branch and commit hash used for compiling the binary. This feature adds an extra layer of transparency and verification for users.
Public Key for Verification
Below is the public key used for signing the commits and binary files, which can be used to verify the authenticity of our releases:
Key Fingerprint
Public Key (OpenPGP)
mDMEZsEF1xYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAPZ3dA2od9HFaiaJRr1TEEeRMfAcrBp8oqQPaR16Icva0OHNhdHVybmVyaWMoZm9yIGNvZGUgb3IgYmluYXJ5IHNpZ24gb25seSk8ZXJpY0Bia3R1cy5jb20+iJkEExYKAEEWIQQS9+iFjPFb7Jl1/zxco9okaEP9AwUCZsEF1wIbIwUJA8JmbgULCQgHAgIiAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeBwIXgAAKCRBco9okaEP9A3TTAQC/H61IVj6LiSQ0dvodo5VFb2jTJa8XVfb2NT3yc/+JDwD+KTm+nV73dbaEG0FOTKu+n4rVhBpTes93Bn2GcRSbQwA==fWZe-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
This comprehensive approach to security, including automated builds, careful selection of third-party libraries, and transparent verification methods, ensures that users can trust the software they are using while also providing the tools needed to verify that trust independently.